How Does Numbing Work?
It may seem like magic to have a dental procedure and not even feel it, but how…
Why Does My Tooth Ache?
Toothaches are one of the most common reasons for dental visits. In most cases,…
Foods That Naturally Contain Fluoride
Dentists love fluoride because it can strengthen and re-mineralize damaged…
Mouth-Related Sayings & What They Mean
As dentists, we naturally answer lots of questions about teeth. However,…
E-Cigarettes Are Still Bad for Your Teeth!
Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers have quickly become a trendy alternative…
How Dentists Repair a Chipped Tooth
Accidents happen, but when an unforeseen incident like a fall or a sports…
Top Dental Concerns for Seniors
While the basics of dental hygiene are the same at every age—brushing, flossing…
Four Things Your Hygienist Wishes You Knew
Dental hygienists see thousands and thousands of patients’ mouths each year.…
Weird Facts You Didn't Know About Saliva
With the way dentists and hygienists are always sucking saliva away or blowing…
Conventional Dentures vs. Overdentures
If you're missing teeth, modern dentistry offers more options than ever before…